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  • The Short Stories of Mithradel: The Birth of a Talliance Page 2

The Short Stories of Mithradel: The Birth of a Talliance Read online

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  Lucian awoke, coughing loudly. It took him a few moments to regain his composure and when he had, he took a moment to take in his new surroundings. There was nothing, but brightness. In front of him was a woman, beautiful and tall. He instantly took affection to her and gazed, mouth slightly ajar.

  “Well, aren’t you going to ask for my name?” She asked him.

  He gulped; shocked that she had spoke to him. He cleared his through and began to speak.

  “I apologise fair lady, I have not witnessed such beauty before!”

  “Flattery? Many have tried and many more have failed, what makes you different?” She asked, teasing him.

  He was stuck for words. He had never met a woman to be so quick and witty and it frightened him. Her power must possess that of any men.

  “I will be quick. You cannot stay long or Ethery will claim you” She carried on speaking, not interested in small talk. “I was impressed today with the care you showed for your kin. I had not seen this for many years. For that, I will reward you. Lucian Talliance, from this day forward, you shall be a leader. A leader for the many races on Mithradel. It is your job to be a caring, but firm leader”.

  Lucian continued to stand there, not comprehending what the woman was saying. She continued to speak.

  “You will live a long life and will have the power to foresee what those around you cannot. This is a blessing, but also a curse. You will not be able to change what you witness. You may only prepare yourself”.

  Lucian was shocked. It had all happened so fast and he still did not understand where he was or what she was saying. Despite his confusion, he thought it best to listen and the woman continued.

  “The Talliance line will be blessed with one boy per generation, to enable your line to continue. With each boy, your blessing will be passed down. Be warned, there is no way to change the Talliance fate”.

  Lucian was shaking his head. How could he, a simple wood cutter looking after his sick mothers become a ruler. He didn’t know the first thing about ruling and he definitely didn’t know there were many more races in Mithradel. The woman stared at him and he stopped shaking his head.

  “This must be done Lucian; you must change the fate of those around you”.

  And with that, she turned and was gone; a fox standing where she had just stood. It quickly took off and everything went white.

  Lucian awoke. He was no longer where the burning shack had been, but instead in a large, stone building. It looked as though it used to be a large military post, now left empty and cold. He was confused. He kept replaying the morning in his head over and over again. Suddenly, he was brought out of his thoughts by a man running towards him. He looked fairly old and was wearing brown robes.

  “Sir, you are awake!” The man sounded extremely happy.

  “Do you know me?” Lucian asked, looking at him in confusion.

  “Of course I do, you are the King!” The man replied.

  Chea gazed on, a small smile growing on her face. She was no longer bored with the World of Mithradel. No. Now, she was excited.

  About the Author

  Born in Ladywood, 1988, Toni has had a well travelled and mixed bag of a life. Currently working three jobs, with a huge interest the Arts and addicted to science fiction and fantasy. When not at the keyboard, you will see her at work in a local school or pretending to be someone else as she acts in various productions and locations.

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