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The Short Stories of Mithradel: The Birth of a Talliance

The Short Stories of Mithradel: The Birth of a Talliance

  By Toni Alonzo

  Copyright © 2014 Toni Alonzo

  All Rights Reserved

  Time is forever upon us. It’s the thing we fear most and yet, it’s the thing we often need most.

  Table of Contents


  The Short Stories of Mithradel: The Birth of a Talliance

  About the Author

  Other books by Toni Alonzo

  Connect with Toni Alonzo


  Around a decade ago, I took part in NaNoWriMo’s challenge of writing 50,000 words in the 30 days of November. I began my story, influenced by various fantasy stories, films and video games. It was to be an epic fantasy novel, detailing heroic deeds from where you least expect with corruption and betrayal not far behind. Set in the age old battle between the forces of good and evil. I did not reach the target, due to life continuing to be a brick wall to climb and as I upload this short story from, it still remains a work in progress.

  The Short Stories of Mithradel are a collection, to help the writer continue to build a large and colourful world and to entertain the reader, bringing to life the history that Mithradel holds. It is a story found in many taverns and inns throughout the journey you take in Mithradel and one that is told by the great believers of The Nine.

  I hope you enjoy the first of many, perhaps one day, my heroes will see the light of day..

  The Short Stories of Mithradel: The Birth of a Tallaince

  Chea, Goddess of Light, had been watching Mithradel for many moons. She had always been curious about how the creatures below her lived and over that time, she had become more disillusioned with the actions she witnessed. After all, she had been present for the birth of all living things and after time, she, along with the others in her plane, realised that things don’t always go as planned. It all began with the creation of the six major races.

  Firstly, Man was born. Strong, but fragile. Clever, but stupid. It was hoped that Man would be the centre for Mithradel. Their strengths making them fighters and healers, creators and destroyers. There was much hope for man, but it was soon lost when war began to break out. It seemed that Man had a quick temper and did not appreciate the skills of their own kin.

  Then came Dwarfs. Small, but tough. Strong, with plenty of skills in invention and smithing. They were the traders and miners, living quietly and peacefully in mountain sides. They built beautiful, massive cities, carved into the side of the mountains they treasured. They were a peaceful race and enjoyed the simpler things in life, such as ale and food. They worked alongside man and offered them weapons in their wars against each other.

  Next, were Orcs, the mistake. These creatures were meant to be a better version of Man. Not everything can be done right though and the result ended with these tall, muscular and colourful creatures. They varied in skin tone, depending on where they inhabited. Those close to mountains were a very gray colour, while those near forests were shades of green. They started life as an aggressive and beast like race, but soon began to shock their creators by developing civilised behaviour.

  The Fethan followed. They were similar to Man in every way. However, the creators wanted to make sure that they would not cause trouble. They were worshippers and it was hoped that they would make all other races follow their beliefs. Of course, they believed in The Nine. It was they who created them and it was their job to spread the creator’s messages. Afterall, these creatures were beginning to forget their origin. Sadly it did not work and many of the Fethan forgot about The Nine and joined in the wars.

  Halflings were shortly after, a joyous and happy little race, often not measuring very tall. It was almost as though someone had mixed Man and Dwarf together. They cared for nothing, but their own space and the Earth. The creators once again hoped that this race would show the previous how to take care of Mithradel and its creators. They soon became unseen and kept out of matters that did not concern them, another failure.

  Finally, the Elves arrived, bringing wisdom and knowledge to Mithradel. Tall and majestic, they were civilised and calm. They were to be the peacekeepers and protect everyone and everything in Mithradel, guiding the lost. It was all in vain, for they soon took to various areas of Mithradel and began their wars, fighting for land and power.

  Many more races had since come into existence. How? Chea was unsure. It could be the meddling of Man or the curiosity of Dwarfs that gave them life. Chea was not interested though. Her concern was with what she had helped create, not in the attempts to copy that. Either way, these races were part of the wars or used and manipulated to be a part of the wars.

  Yes, Chea had become very bored with the passage of life and death. There was no structure to Mithradel, only those fighting for power and losing. Every time there was a peace declared, another war had already begun. The races did not seem to care nor understand each other’s wishes and desires, despite them being made from the same cloth. Boredom lead her to that fateful day, where life on Mithradel changed forever.

  Lucian Talliance, a lone woodsman had just awoken. Chea’s attention turned to him as he climbed out of his bed, revealing that he was wearing nothing. Chea rolled her eyes. She had become bored with the sight of Man and all his ‘glory’. Lucian stretched and began to grab his clothing, quickly putting it on. He grabbed a loaf of bread and quick consumed it. After doing so, he collected his axe and left his small shack in the woods.

  Chea quickly checked his history. He was about thirty years of age, no wife, no children, just an old, sick mother to keep him company. His father died when he was around ten and he had begun cutting wood around the same time. She seemed intrigued by this simple man, who did nothing out of the ordinary, except collect wood and sell it on for medicine and food.

  Chea’s attention was drawn back to him after she heard screaming. Lucian was now running into a small burning shack. Chea was curious. This was an event she had not witnessed for a long while. Usually, when Chea heard screams, someone was close by causing damage and upset, but this was not the case. Lucian came out with a woman, who was screaming and crying, trying to get back into the shack. Lucian quickly dashed back in and made two more journeys, bringing out a small boy and girl.

  Chea continued to watch, shocked by this man’s concern for another. Lucian went in once more, chasing after a screaming baby. After he had gone in, the doors collapsed, leaving nothing but a small hole. The woman squealed and fell to the floor, believing the worst. Moments later, Lucian’s arms came out of the hole and held out a bundle. It was the baby. The woman ran and grabbed her bundle of joy. As she did, Lucian was covered in the remainder of the house.

  The woman quietly whispered her thanks and grabbing her other children, quickly ran out of sight, scared to look back. Chea watched and waited. She was expecting the man to emerge at any moment, completely fine and this his masterful plan all along. As the minutes ticked by though, she knew that he had gone. A shadow appeared in the trees and this for her was a familiar sign. He often showed when someone had lost their life. She took in a sharp breath and closed her eyes. This wasn’t meant to happen today.